John Perhay
John has been associated with IID since he learned to dive in 1978. He became a NAUI instructor in 1980, and has since become a NAUI Instructor Trainer as well as PADI instructor. John is also certified as an ice diver and a cave/cavern diver, as well as holding certifications in advanced nitrox and tri-mix. With more than 4,000 dives throughout the Midwest, Florida, and the Caribbean making nearly 200 dives a year, John has added underwater photography and videography to his arsenal of interests and has taken thousands of underwater photos. In addition to his interests in instructing and recreational/technical diving, John also enjoys his newfound duties as owner of IID.

Ione Perhay

Ione, is the co-owner and John’s partner at IID.  She is not new to IID either.  Ione was certified in 1986 and began assisting with classes, OW training and several trips to the Caribbean.  She became a NAUI Assistant Instructor in 1988.
With close to 1,200 logged dives, Ione continues to dive throughout the Midwest, Florida and the Caribbean.  Recently she has taken up digital photography.  If you want to know the name of what you saw, Ione is the one to ask.  This biology teacher can identify creatures, coral and fish with the best.


Chris Szela -Instructor

Bio coming

The Illinois Institute of Diving
245 W Roosevelt Rd, Building 2 Suite 8, West Chicago, Il 60185
800-How-Dive (469-3483) ~ 630-469-3483 Fax 630-469-3491
Map to IID Dive Center
Open: Monday thru Friday 11:00 am - 7:00pm Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00pm ~ Sunday by appointment
www.iidscuba.com ~ email scuba@iidscuba.com

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